Research based. Proven results.

SpringMath is based on the research and work of Dr. Amanda VanDerHeyden.

All the research-based guidance and implementation theory are built into SpringMath — taking out any guesswork for what to do next, which students should be paired, etc. Educators can be confident implementing SpringMath.

Learn more about Dr. VanDerHeyden
Woman viewing a laptop screen that shows the SpringMath Theory of Change

Valid and reliable key features

SpringMath is highly rated by the National Center for Intensive Intervention and has documented results in peer-reviewed publications and is the winner of multiple awards for excellence.

Built on research

SpringMath is based on breakthrough empirical research that deploys a model proven to improve math outcomes in an easy-to-implement, equitable, and cost-effective manner.

Best-in-class implementation & support

The people we serve are at the center of every engagement. The SpringMath team is here not only to get you up and running and dedicated to your ongoing success.


While using a research-based program is important, the results from districts using the program really tell the story. SpringMath produces equitable achievement, significantly decreasing the performance gap between black students and white students. SpringMath outcomes showed no bias at any grade level for sex, race, free or reduced lunch status, or special education status.

Dr. Amanda VanDerHeyden

Meet Dr. Amanda VanDerHeyden

The life’s work of Dr. Amanda VanDerHeyden has been focused on MTSS/RTI math intervention, instruction, and reform. She has spent over 20 years of research in the area of MTSS/RTI math intervention and reform, and published 100+ books, chapters, and peer-reviewed journal articles.

Two students hugging

Why Math MTSS

Why SpringMath? Education is by now more than 15 years into MTSS implementation at scale as a system improvement, eligibility determination, and instructional service delivery model. Discover how SpringMath supports math MTSS. >


Confidence built in

All the research-based guidance and implementation theory is built into SpringMath — taking out any guesswork on what to do next. Educators can be confident implementing SpringMath with fidelity.

Theory of change for SpringMath